Wednesday, September 20, 2017

230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST

Given a binary search tree, write a function kthSmallest to find the kth smallest element in it.
You may assume k is always valid, 1 ≤ k ≤ BST's total elements.
Follow up:
What if the BST is modified (insert/delete operations) often and you need to find the kth smallest frequently? How would you optimize the kthSmallest routine?

The easy solution would be in order traverse the tree and return the kth element in order. 
Please refer to this post to see all three in order traversal techniques.:

  public int kthSmallest(TreeNode root, int k) {  
     Stack<TreeNode> st=new Stack<TreeNode>();  
     int num=0;  
     while(root!=null || !st.empty()){  
         if(num==k) return root.val;  
     return 0;  
To the follow up question:
What if we modify the BST often and need to find Kth smallest number often.
We should create a TreeNodeWithCount object which extends the basic treenode object but with a property of the counts of this root node. In this way, once we have this treeNodeWithCount initiated(O(n)), any insert/delete operation will take O(lg(n) to update the tree including the counts and we can find Kth smallest number in O(lg(n)). 

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