Saturday, September 16, 2017

214. Shortest Palindrome

Given a string S, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation.
For example:
Given "aacecaaa", return "aaacecaaa".
Given "abcd", return "dcbabcd".

It is easy to understand, the idea to solve this problem is to find the longest palindrome from beginning, and reverse the remaining string then append to the beginning of s.
s= (longest Panlindrome) + suffix;
String prefix= suffix.reverse();
return prefix+s;

1. Brute force, 
Starting from the end of the string, and keep checking the substring(0,j) until the substring is a valid palindrome, which is the longest palindrome. 
To check if it is a valid palindrome, we can do char by char comparison, or we can compare the string with its reversed string. 
Time complexity(O(n^2)
 public String shortestPalindrome(String s) {  
     if(s==null || s.length()<=1) return s;  
    int end=0;  
     for(int i=s.length()-1;i>=0;i--){  
       if(s.charAt(i)==s.charAt(0) && isPar(s,0,i)) {  
     if(end==s.length()-1) return s;  
     StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(s.substring(end+1,s.length()));  
     return sb.reverse().append(s).toString();  
   public boolean isPar(String s, int i, int j){  
        if(s.charAt(i)!=s.charAt(j)) return false;  
     return true;  

2.Recursion + Two pointers
For a given string, if we start i from 0 and iterate j from n-1 to 0, if(char[i]==char[j]) we increment i,apparently, if s is a palindrome, when the iteration is over, i should be equal to s.length(); otherwise, s.substring(0,i) should contain the longest palindrome. Eg. "abcbaef" when iteration is over, i should be at the position of e, and abcba should contain the longest palindrome. eg "aabbcaa" when iteration is over, i should be at the position of 'c' and "aabb" contains the longest palindrome "aa". The proof is that if you start j from the end of the longest palindrome, when the iteration is over, i should be the position right after the end of the longest palindrome, but since we are starting j from the end of the string ,any additional match would increment i, so substring(0,i) should always contain the longest palindrome.
So we can recursively find the result with prefix+ shortestParlindrome+ suffix
Time complexity: O(n^2)

 public String shortestPalindrome(String s) {  
     if(s==null || s.length()<=1) return s;  
     int i=0;  
     for(int j=s.length()-1;j>=0;j--){  
       if(s.charAt(i)==s.charAt(j)) i++;  
     if(i==s.length()) return s;  
     String suffix=s.substring(i);  
     String prefix=new StringBuilder(suffix).reverse().toString();  
     String mid=shortestPalindrome(s.substring(0,i));  
     return prefix+mid+suffix;  

3. KMP algorithm
We can use KMP mathing table to find the longest palindrome.
eg. string s="aacecaaa"
the match of the reverse should be 1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7, which means the maximum match is reverse(1,7) to s(0,6) , so s(0,6) should be the longest palindrome starting from 0.
Use a '#' to concatenate s and its reverse and then use classic KMP to get the matching table. Leetcode has a completed solution for this problem.
Time complexity: O(n)
Because the out loop always increase j, and the inner loop always increase j-i, the maximum of j should be n and the maximum j-i should be n as well, so the time complexity should be O(n)

 public String shortestPalindrome(String s) {  
     if(s==null || s.length()==0) return s;  
     String reversed=new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString();  
    String s2=s+"#"+reversed;  
     int[] kmp=new int[s2.length()];  
     int i=0;  
     for(int j=1;j<s2.length();j++){  
       while(i!=0 && s2.charAt(j)!=s2.charAt(i)){  
       if(s2.charAt(j)==s2.charAt(i)) kmp[j]=++i;  
     int ind=s.length()-kmp[s2.length()-1];  
     return reversed.substring(0,ind)+s;  

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